Thesis II: Week 2

Mapping the journey & assessing for weaknesses

Liz Wang
2 min readJan 25, 2021


My thesis is focusing on body image and through research, the challenge I’m addressing is — how to help teenage girls shape a resilient mindset around body acceptance?

Leading concept

The current concept iteration is, Reflect is a multi-modal app helping us change how we think about our bodies through daily exercises.

Journey Map

There is still a lot to be fleshed out and to do so, I mapped out the happy path version of the journey.

Reflect Concept Journey Map

From ads on social media or from friends sharing with each other, a teen would download the app and go through the onboarding process. In the app, teens can go through the daily exercise (based on the onboarding questionnaire) or track how they’re feeling, in general. Teens would return to the app every couple of days to go through the daily exercises. Over time, teens would start to feel more comfortable in their bodies.

Weakness — HMW

To get to the goal of creating a strong sense of self and boost acceptance with body image requires teens to return and go through exercises continuously over a period of time. There are many other weaknesses within the journey that need to be addressed so they are stated as HMW’s.

  • HMW incentivize teens to return and go through exercises?
  • HMW integrate exercises into a daily routine?
  • HMW make the first exercise as comfortable as possible?
  • HMW prepare teens for the first exercise?
  • HMW help create a safe space for teens?

